We absolutely need your help!
Windows Update Restored needs your help to improve the project and keep it running!
We launched Windows Update Restored in June of 2023. The project has gotten big improvements over its first year of existence, but stopped being updated recently, due to a terrible lack of inventories and updates. Continuing that way would lead to a dead project, or even to its closure. That's why we're asking for everyone's help! If you happen to have one or multiple inventories from your retro machines (from pre-2011), please let us know! Those inventories are located in C:\Program Files\WindowsUpdate (the folder may be hidden). We take all inventories from there, in any language. If you also happen to have multilanguage updates (.EXE or .CAB files mainly), please also let us know! Every bit of effort from every user can help revive Windows Update Restored, and make it more complete than it ever was! We only want files, not monetary donations (as of now). You can contact us on our Discord Server, by email, or upload your files on the Windows Update Restored Uploader.
- WULover, founder of Windows Update Restored
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Contact the webmasters at
(at) gmail.com or
millenniumtech_it (at) outlook.it
for further questions and information.
If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to join our Discord server to get help from our members.